Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Formative Assessment For Learning
Formative Assessment For Learning Literature for many years has delivered many different meanings and definitions of what formative assessment is. Marsh (2004) believes that Formative assessment provides data about instructional units in progress and students in action. They help to develop or form the final curriculum product and help students adjust to their learning tasks through the feedback they receive Black William (1998) believe that Assessment refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by the students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. Such assessment becomes formative assessment when the evidence is actually used to adapt the teaching to meet the needs. Paul Black (2002) has also defined formative assessment as any assessment for which the priority is to server the purpose of promoting pupils learning. Formative assessment can be closely linked with Assessment for learning (AFL) . The two are very similar but have one definitive difference. Swearingen (2002) states that formative assessment is part of instruction that informs and guides teachers as they make instructional decisions. Assessment should not merely be done to students, rather it also is done FOR students to guide and enhance their learning. In Laymans terms, formative assessment is ongoing assessment to inform planning and aid in overall assessments. Assessment for learning (AFL) on the other hand has the child at the heart of it; knowing what theyre learning, how to perform effectively and assessing what they have learnt. Formative assessments promote student attainment of knowledge rather than testing a body of attained knowledge. We have to design a Curriculum that is rich with such methods of formative assessment that will result in a more student-centred approach to teaching. J Right (2010) believes that this often leads to student success. According to research and from personal experience teaching in various schools, there are many forms of formative assessment used in the classroom. Here are some:- * Observation This is one of the earliest known methods of observing nature, according to science. (Hein 1991) states that Observation in the classroom reaps benefits for not only the teacher but also the student. By observing children, teachers can identify their students verbal and non-verbal behaviour, and identify the method he/she uses to complete their work. Teachers through observation can identify areas in which students are finding challenging and provide them with corrective feedback. During all by teaching experiences in school, I have kept a Book of Observations to monitor behaviour over time. In the book I wrote the behaviour of a certain child and the method I used to help solve the matter. * Whole-Class/Group Discussion This involves discussion of open ended questions with the students by the teacher and the students with each other. The goal of whole-class discussion is to develop critical and creative thinking skills. Concept Cartoons are a very effective way of promoting these skills in Science. I will discuss this later on. Black and Wiliam 1998; Doherty 2003 believe that Discussions allow students to increase the breadth and depth of their understanding while discarding erroneous information and expanding and explicating background knowledge. * Teacher Feedback According to (Boston 2002; Ramaprasad 1983; Sadler 1989; Tunstall and Gipps (1996) The formative assessment activity helps students understanding their proficiency, and the feedback the teacher gives the student helps close the learning gap. Many researchers including Bangert-Drowns, Kulick, Morgan (1999) have written about how the more specific a teachers feedback about learners mistakes and ways in which they could improve their work, the more children improve with their learning. This type of feedback could help cater the needs of the lower ability children because the message is that children can improve their work by using the correct method rather than feel like they are unable to perform a task due to lack of ability. From practice to research it is obvious that Formative Assessment and AFL and both valuable for teacher and student. The teacher can use it to identify how learners are progression and can use this information to adjust their teaching. Students benefit from formative assessment by being able to follow specific steps to meet their objectives, spot what they are having trouble with and have specific feedback to develop their knowledge. From a pedagogic point of view it is difficult to argue against the benefits of formative assessment for both teacher and learner. For example:- * Formative assessment ensures that the learners remains focused and on task. The learners can discuss what they are learning. There is a shared learning process. * Formative assessment provides a diagnostic approach to approach to recording process and lets the learners know his/her strengths and weaknesses. * Formative assessment helps teachers with planning as it involves giving the learner specific learning intentions. * Formative assessment helps teachers design their lessons to cater for individuals or groups of learners. * Formative assessment develops learners awareness of self-assessment so that they can become more reflective and self- managing. * Boston (2002) believes that Formative assessment focuses on the childrens progression and achievement rather than focusing on the failure. Therefore motivating the learner. Formative assessment has been shown to be highly effective in raising the level of student attainment, increasing equity of student outcomes, and improving students ability to learn. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/19/31/35661078.pdf (12.2.2011) Mathematics Assessment for Learning is an important tool for increasing the level of learning in mathematics classrooms. There are many different techniques and strategies that can be used to develop childrens learning through formative assessment and AFL. Setting achievable learning objectives through Success Criteria To develop learners knowledge learning objectives should be put into place that are realistic and achievable. These learning objectives should include a set of Success Criteria that the learners follow to reach understanding and use this understanding to solve problems. Setting learning objectives makes the learner more focused on their learning. This enables the learner to become more self critical. Learning objectives and Success criteria should be shared at the beginning of the lesson, this gives the children the goal they intend to achieve and the steps they need to follow to insure they do. Briggs, Woodfiled, Martin, Swatton (2007) define Learning Objectives as a clear statement of what is intended that children will have learnt during an activity, a lesson or a sequence of lessons. The success criteria: * are based on the objective, and should shape the teaching and modelling and provide the childrens focus while they are working * are the key focus for the teachers and childrens feedback. www.standards.dcsf.gov.uk/NationalStrategies 13.2.2011 Below is an example of a Learning Objective and Success Criteria in a Mathematics lesson: Learning Objective: To be able to identify what a good Graph needs. Success Criteria: I know what X axis is I know what Y axis is I can differentiate between the two. Working with a Partner Questions set to the children should encourage them to explore and refer back to what they have previously learnt. Children should work in partners or in small groups (this would be more for the lower ability children) to identify the correct answer. Much research has been carried to explore the response of a learner working collaboratively with a partner or in small groups. Vygotsky (1978) believes that Assessment is grounded in the theory that students learn better by collaborating and discussing concepts with peers than by constructing answers in isolation. Boe (1994) once stated that groups working in groups in the classroom should be followed by assessments in groups. He believed that it implements the ideals of democracy in the classroom. After working in groups the children could fill-in a short worksheets assessing themselves on their group work. The following method i was introduced to during my second year school based studies, teaching a year 6 class. The children could use the worksheet to assess themselves by answering the following Questions: * Did I listen to the instructions? * Did I listen to everybody in my group? * Did I help my group? * Did I stay on task throughout? * How much did I enjoy the activity? * Did I Respect the others in my group? * Next time I will.. As well as working with a partner or in a group, to improve childrens learning they should be given more time to think and answer questions. This is often referred to as thinking time or wait time. Mary Budd Rowe (1972) first came up with the concept of thinking time. After observing teachers she saw that the time between asking the question and the response rarely lasted 1.5 seconds. She noticed that the childrens answers and attitude was more positive after given more time to answer (3-4 seconds). According to research by Mary Budd Rowe (1972) many benefits came from wait time. They include:- * Increases the number of cognitive response by learner * Decreases the number of I Dont know answers and confusion In mathematics the thinking time would not be much more than 4 seconds as much of the answers are of quantity. Stahl (1985) defined think time as a distinct period of uninterrupted silence by the teacher and all students so that they both can complete appropriate information processing tasks, feelings, oral responses, and actions. Children need time to think. Research evidence shows that teachers usually allow only 0.9 seconds between asking a question and expecting an answer or even answering the question themselves. Leaving only 0.9 seconds demands that children simply react, they do not think. However if between 3 and 5 seconds is left before allowing children to answer this encourages them to provide more thoughtful answers and to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. https://www.ncetm.org.uk/public/files/725964 (12.2.2011) At the beginning of a Maths lesson, assign individual learners a partner, this could either by the person they are sitting next to or to develop their collaboration skills further they could be partnered with a random peer in the class. Through my experience teaching Key Stage 2 Children I have adopted this method grossly into my lessons. In Mathematics lessons, I often assigned children partners and asked them to record their final answers on mini white boards. From personal experience I have observed that children really like using the whiteboards in partners. I love using the small whiteboards because I get to talk to my friend and compete against the rest of the class. A boy in Year 6 Science Let us begin by asking the question, What is Science in the Primary school? In Britain, even though there are 4 different science curricula, they is an agreement that Science is used to engage interest and enjoyment in the learner by nurturing and developing curiosity and creativity. Then, when the scientific skills are imbedded, learning progresses. Claire Hodgson NFER review (2010) believes that Primary science learning is about living things, materials and phenomena. It is intended to be relevant to pupils everyday lives, helping them to learn about the world around them through hands-on investigation and exploration, with opportunities for making observations and measurements. Science is arguably the Core subject in school that incorporates the most AFL strategies. Science provides a rich opportunity for teachers and learners to develop their understanding through formative assessment and AFL. Discussion/Talk in Classroom Discussion is a key element used in science lessons to assess a childs learning. Asoko and Scott (2006) believe that, in science discussion: Language provides the fundamental means for communicating ideas, but it is also through talk, either with others or in our heads, that we can develop personal understanding. There are many methods used to promote discussion in the classroom. Concept Cartoons are very effective at this. Concept cartoons are illustrations of a question and 3 children giving different answers to the question. They are used to promote discussion between groups of children or the whole class. Keogh Naylor (1999) indicate that this method: has a positive impact on pupil motivation and may help to promote argumentation. Hodson (1998) has also listed conditions in which can further promote discussion with children. For example, the discussion topic must enthuse the children, keep them interested, it must also be problematic and relate to the childrens prior knowledge. Concept cartoons are an effective way to assess the childrens learning at the beginning of a lesson. Concept cartoons get children thinking, discussing and sharing their ideas and opinions with their peers. Keogh and Naylor (1999) said that this made the learners more active in the assessment process and helped to connect formative assessment with the learning that would follow. Harlen (2006) states that It is well known from research that learners construct their own understanding in science, based on their experience and that their ideas may be in conflict with scientifically accepted viewpoints. Elicitation is therefore very effective in Primary Science Education as it takes the learners ideas into account of the teaching. This is called a Constructivist approach to learning. Constructivism is a theory that was put forward by Piaget. It is used to explain how children know what they know. It describes problem solving being Key to childrens thinking, development and learning. There is a significant change in the learner when he/she engages in activities, discusses with peers and reflects on their learning. But what is the role of the teacher in this style of teaching? According to Brewer W (2009) the role of the teacher is to act as an expert learner who can guide students into adopting cognitive strategies such as self testing, articulating understanding, asking probing questions, and reflection. He basically states that a constructivist approach to teaching involves giving the children a Big Idea for learners to discuss, that keeps them engaged and interested and to connect prior knowledge to gain new ideas. ITCS6001 0701774 1
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Heathen Inside: Darkness, Abjection, and the Colonial Discourse :: Essays Papers
The Heathen Inside: "Darkness," Abjection, and the Colonial Discourse In Romanticism and Colonialism, Tim Fulford and Peter J. Kitson argue that few scholars explicate the relationship between Romantic texts, British colonialism, and imperialism. Fulford and Kitson point out that the "Romantic period is a watershed in colonial history," marking the inception of a British empire based on the political philosophy of the "white man's burden" (3). By reading Romantic texts in the historical and political context of colonialism and imperialism, Fulford and Kitson hope to return Romantic texts "to the context of material, colonial processes contemporaneous with their imagined versions of colonized people and places" (9). In other words, Fulford and Kitson read Romantic texts as reflections of historical reality and as complex, ambivalent responses to colonial and imperial discourse. With the aim of returning Romantic texts to "material, colonial processes," I will read Byron's poem "Darkness" through the lens of Julia Kristeva's conception of abjection. My a bject reading of "Darkness" will then explicate the relationship between the poem and the larger process of British colonialism and imperialism. I will first read "Darkness" for instances of abjection through the lens of Julia Kristeva's 1982 essay, "Approaching Abjection." I will then conclude by addressing the question of how an abject reading of "Darkness" helps to elucidate the complex interplay between Romanticism and British colonial and imperial discourse. Kristeva divides her 1982 essay, "Approaching Abjection," into three main sections. In the first section, "Neither Subject nor Object," Kristeva explains that the abject cannot be defined as either part of the self or as any other definable, tangible person or thing. For Kristeva, the abject seems to "come from an outside or an exorbitant inside" and is "unassimilable" (Kristeva 125). The self ("I") rejects the abject because it comes from outside of the self and is foreign, strange, and beyond reason. Furthermore, abjection is paradoxical in that it has a capacity to both seduce and disgust the self. As Kristeva says, "a pole of attraction and repulsion" (Kristeva 125) characterizes the relationship between the self and the abject. Kristeva also describes abjection as a collection of "effects and thoughts" (Kristeva 125) that escapes meaning and elicits a violent reaction from the self. Meaning collapses around the abject because it is neither subject nor object, neither self nor ot her, both repulsive and attractive: "Not me. Not that. But not nothing either. A 'something' that I do not recognize as a thing" (Kristeva 126).
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Clinical Reflection Essay
The first three weeks in my clinical placement at Facility, I have already gained a lot of practical experience that is different from what I am familiar with. During our orientation at the facility, we met the nurse manager of the third floor who is courteous enough to share a little bit of information about working in the facility and how the system works in the long- term care facility. The nurse manager even told us, that she is also an international educated nurse. Knowing this has inspired me to become successful in my chosen career. After the orientation, our group was divided into two and we were given directions on which wing we will be assigned. There were three of us in my group, and each one of us was assigned to a resident attendant. We were given instructions to just shadow and observe on how things are being done during the first three hours of the resident attendantââ¬â¢s shift. Since I had the experience in a long-term care facility, I am familiar with some of the procedures and routines that are being done by the Personal Support Worker (PSW). That being said, I could say that I was comfortable in assisting the resident attendant/ PSW in providing nursing care to the clients. Although I was familiar and comfortable with the setting of a long-term care facility, I still felt anxious on how I can provide the best care possible for the residents. In this clinical placement, I have learned that being too comfortable and excited is not always a good thing especially for a student. Because of my eagerness to learn new things, I was not able to pay attention on the sign that was posted in a clientsââ¬â¢ room. The client was in isolation for contact precaution. The incident happened while I was walking at the hallway and the client called my attention by waving her hand. It made me think that she needed help and I immediately came to her aid without even looking at the sign. The PSW saw me going out from the clientsââ¬â¢ room and told me right away that I should not be in the clientsââ¬â¢ room without any personal protection equipment (PPE). I suddenly realized that I broke a policy that is highly implemented in every healthcare facility, and that is the ââ¬Å"Infection Controlâ⬠. My teacher saw what happened and reminded me about the rules in the facility. I apologized and owned up to my mistake. I was embarrassed of what I have done, but also I have learned something that I will never forget. I have learned to be more aware and attentive of my surroundings. As a nurse, I should be one-step ahead, especially when it comes to clientsââ¬â¢ safety. I almost put the client at risk by not following the directives on the precaution signs posted on the door of the resident. It may be the risk that I donââ¬â¢t know that I could actually cause greater harm, for this reason I need to be more vigilant and use practice routines in all patient care activities.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Genesis - 1677 Words
Dinahââ¬â¢s experience is similar to Tarma in Genesis. She is the daughter-in-law of Judah. Judah asked his son Onan to make she pregnant after his biggest son Er died. However, Onan did not follow what his father said: ââ¬Å"And Onan knew that the seed should not be his, â⬠¦, he spilled it on the groundâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (38:9) Therefore, the Lord punished Onan and let he died. After that Judah sent Tarma back to her fatherââ¬â¢s house until his third son Shelah grows up. Unexpectedly, years later, Judah was taken Tarma for a prostitute and he had sex with her: ââ¬Å"When Judah saw her, he judged her to be a whore, for she had covered her face.â⬠(38:15) Tarma was judged to be burned for whoredom. At that time, she showed the pledge what Judah gave her after they had sexâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Other women are lawful to youâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (4:24) It is no overstatement to say that the men in the Islamic world thousand years ago were free to marry with whomever they want. Imagine, a man living under the Islamism in the past who is legal to have sex with any unmarried virgin as long as he gifts his part of property. More and more, the Sura 33 states that: ââ¬Å"You may make any of [your women] wait and receive any of them as you wishâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (33:51) This is the situation which is similar to that of Dinah and Shechemââ¬â¢s story in Genesisââ¬âââ¬ânobody requests the consent of females in sexual behavior. The men even were able to marry more than two women (4:3) but not vice versa. In addition, the Qurââ¬â¢an rules that: ââ¬Å"Your wives are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like.â⬠(2:223) This quote shows the male has the absolute domination of women. In my view, combining those thoughts in the Qurââ¬â¢an above, I am firmly convinced that the status of female in Islamism is not equal to that of males. In the patriarchal society, women like Dinah are the sacrifice for males gaining power. After discussing the status of women in Genesis and the Qurââ¬â¢an, one must to ask: why were Jacob and his sons determined to take revenge on Shechem? Why did males living in the ancient Muslim world have to pay the girl who they are going to marry? I would like to provide the answer to these questions ââ¬âââ¬â the purity of women is vital in the society atShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1116 Words à |à 5 PagesGenesis 1-11 The book of Genesis is often referred to as the book of beginnings. Genesis is the first book that begins the Old Testament, it is also the first book of the entire Bible. The Lord also began the world in the book of Genesis, He made the heavens and the earth, man and woman. In Genesis chapters one through eleven, the Bible teaches us stories that most of us have grown up hearing in Sunday School such as the creation account, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood and theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 775 Words à |à 4 Pagestaken from the book of Genesis. The focus will be taken from an event that was recorded in chapter 12 of this book. The main charter was a man call Abram and his wife, Sarai. Because of deceit of Abram, driven by his fear of losing his life he chooses to be deceitful.This dishonest act caused someone else to sin this caused God not to be happy with the person than sin so a plague was caused by him. The act on one cause God to moved on others i n a negative way. Genesis is the first book of the BibleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1238 Words à |à 5 Pageslike. Upon looking into the time of human creation and early civilized human life it is nearly impossible to find a source that can tell exactly what happened. There is one source that has a theory which has proven to be fairly reliable: the book of Genesis. It not only provides a story of creation, but also gives one an inside look at what life was like during the early days of human civilization. It follows the family of Abram, later known as Abraham, a descendant of Noah. The story follows himRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 1592 Words à |à 7 Pagesperson who will carry out the last step of Godââ¬â¢s ultimate plan, creation, sin, and salvation. We can see Godââ¬â¢s creation in the Book of Genesis. God spent six days creating the universe, earth, animals, land, and humans. Humans were a different creation than the other things God had created. When God created hum ans, ââ¬Å"God created mankind in his imageâ⬠¦God blessed themâ⬠(Genesis 1:27). The next step in Godââ¬â¢s plan is sin. Sin was introduced to mankind from Godââ¬â¢s given free will to humans. This caused AdamRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 808 Words à |à 4 PagesResponse Paper: Genesis The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible that lays the foundation on what the whole Bible is about. The first verse of Genesis states, ââ¬Å"In the beginning.â⬠These words show us that before anything ever existed, God existed. Most cannot fathom the fact that God was not created, but He always has, always is, and always will be; which gives us a sense of assurance that we are in a relationship with the one true God. Chapters one and two of Genesis focus on the creationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Genesis 36-50 958 Words à |à 4 PagesAccording to the book of genesis 36-50, it sustains significant narratives focusing on Esauââ¬â¢s descendants, which describe Esauââ¬â¢s family members and the stories of them, two wives and twelve sons. Esauââ¬â¢s was one of Abraham grandsons, and as such, part of some material blessings. One was that Esau became ââ¬Å"father of the nationâ⬠the nation of Edom. I argue that Esauââ¬â¢s were experiencing Godââ¬â ¢s blessings, in conform to his promises. The abundance of goods is due to the divine blessing of God. They wereRead More Textual Analysis of Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Holy Bible1056 Words à |à 5 PagesA Textual Analysis of Genesis and the Epic of Gilgamesh The stories of the floods found in both Gilgamesh and Genesis contain many striking similarities that are inevitably beyond mere coincidence. One could surmise that both of these stories might have a basis in common historical occurrence. However, despite the fact that both of these works discuss a common topic, the portrayal of this event is quite different. Like identical twins raised in different cultures, the expressions ofRead MoreEssay about Religion 111 Study Questions Week 1979 Words à |à 4 PagesREL 111 Questions For Review Chapters 3, 4, 5 Chapter 3 Q1. What levels of meaning can be found in Genesis 1.1-2.4a? This passage gives meaning to the first creation story. It gives the order of how God created everything over the first six days starting with light and ending with the creation of animals and humans. Q2. What are the similarities and differences between the biblical and the Babylonian presentations of cosmic beginnings? The similarities between biblical and Babylonian beginningsRead MoreCritical Criticism Of Genesis1714 Words à |à 7 Pagesfrom the place where you areâ⬠Genesis 13:14. The word genesis is the dawning of creation, and the biblical book of Genesis is the book that brings fourth the creation of our planet and the life that resides. Genesis also describes the descent of Adam and Eve and unveils the foundation that sin builds upon. Genesis introduces the origin of the holy land, Israel, and inception of holy covenants promised by the holy trinity; the son, the father, and the holy spirit. Genesis communicates the definite eventsRead MoreThe Bible, The Passage Of Genesis943 Words à |à 4 Pagesset apart from all other earthly inhabitants. According to the Hebrew Bible, the passage of Genesis 1:26 ââ¬â 31 can be excellently interpreted as one that contains the original blueprints of a divinely constructed purpose for the first humans. While the Book of Genesis, commonly attribu ted to the authorship of Moses, contains heavyset implications regarding pre-exilic and postexilic Israelite controversy, Genesis 1:26 ââ¬â 31 reduces much of the common nuances in synchronic and diachronic perspectives as
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